
Blog post#4

Has any benefit for play game? In some people's opinion, the games within the learning context as opposed to the activity only for the leisure time. From the learner point of view using a game for learning can have various meanings. Learning and having fun, taking the challenge and achieve better score, trying out different roles, being able to experiment and seeing what happens, being able to express the feelings, be able to reflect about certain conflict situation. In the video of "Game can make a better world", Jane McGonigal state that game is a good thing for us. I agree with Jane that the game can make a better world.
In the video, Jane McGonigaal said that the "World of Warcraft" players spent about 593 years in time to solve a variety of virtual Azeroth problems. This is not a bad thing though sounds bad but you have to think about 5.93 million years ago, our primate ancestors began walking upright became the first upright walking primates. So, when we talked about how much time playing video games, as long as rational and think: in the course of human evolution, the time we spent many, compared to how impressive is that it is reasonable, because you will find we spend so much time playing games, but gradually changed our ability as human beings.
Also she talks about four things: urgent optimism; social fabric; Blissful productivity; epic meaning.
People can make lots of friends in the game, also they will feel good, and get more reliance. Lots of people will use the game to get away to the real life,
 Because they can get what they need in the game.

