
Blog Post 3

Five games am I play:"This is the only level", "You have to burn the rope",
"dys4ia", "Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars", and "Redder".
This is the only level:
This game is amazing, but also it's hard to finish it. (I'm stuck on stage 8 lol)

You have to burn the rope:

The object of the game is fairly simple, like the game itself. Get the fire, and go of the rope and burn it. The song is longer than the game, also I think the end song was better than game lol
dys4ia is a story about the person who hormone replacement therapy. it's a story about the game producer. This game was beautiful. This should be shown to every unsupportive person, because it's so touching.

I like this game, because of the menu look like "Pac-Man eating".

This is a great game and fun to play. The story looks like you are an astronaut, and your spaceship's primary fuel source "gems" have run out. So you need to find to enough "gems", and then you can fly. I love this game.

It was getting a lot of fun when I play those games.

